As per Anna Hazare’s suggestion, it was decided that Monday August 22 will be the day to protest outside the residences of all the MPs of India. So we gathered outside MP Priya Dutt’s house.
Take a look at the pictorial narration of the dramatic incident: –

Surprisingly, a cop volunteered to call Priya and she even obliged. However, she took a democratic stand and avoided the question whether she supports the Jan Lokpal Bill. After looking at the demand of the aam janta, she did say she supports the cause. We asked her to give a written confirmation to which she agreed.

As time passed by, the enthusiasm went on increasing with people shouting slogans, expressing their thoughts and reciting patriotic songs.

Railway employee Stanley revealing how he was affected by corruption during the worst phase of his life (more about him in my later posts).

There comes a letter from Priya. However, it left most of us dissatisfied as she didn't mention whether she is with Jan Lokpal or against it! This triggered more protests.

We decided to send flowers to Priya with a 'Get Well Soon' message for the whole government. A trick from Sanjay Dutt's movie (Lage Raho Munna Bhai) was used to protest against the government through his own sister!

The events outside Priya's residence were passed on to the IAC (India Against Corruption) Mumbai Head Mayank Gandhi (who is also a close aide of Hazare). After analysing the letter, Mayank concluded that we have done a great job as Priya has mentioned that she supports the movement by IAC which means she supports the public demand of the passing of the Jan Lokpal Bill. And what's more, Anna Hazare himself applauded our effort! So, we can say this was another feather in the cap for the IAC and a booster for the movement!
Numerous MPs all over India extended their support for the amendment of the Jan Lokpal Bill. This was like a small taste of victory for Hazare supporters.
But there is still a lot of fighting still to be done… of course in a non-violent manner!