By: Keyur Seta
After studying History in school, me, and many others, believed that the highest credit for India’s freedom should go to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. But as I grew up and read various books on revolutionaries like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, etc., doubts started cropping up in my mind on whether we were taught real history in school.
Later on, with the advent of the internet, I found more information on these uncelebrated great figures. Naturally, this further increased my doubts. Why a man who succeeded in the mammoth task of creating a huge army, called Azad Hind Fauj, and frightening the British was given such minor footage in History books? Why was there just a small paragraph about Bhagat Singh and his group’s activities and that too with false information, which made them look like criminals?
But yesterday, on September 18, 2015, all doubts were put to rest after Mamata Bannerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal, declassified 64 secret files related to Subhash Chandra Bose. Now, it is clear that the entire nation in the post-independence era is been fed with false and fabricated version of Indian History.
Read more about the files HERE.
The secret documents/ letters strongly indicate that Netaji didn’t die in the plane crash in 1945. But the most infuriating revelation was how Netaji was snooped by our own government. I have read some theories that Nehru was certain Netaji is alive. Hence, if he had returned, Nehru’s popularity would have seriously declined. After yesterday’s revelation, this theory appears true to me. It has helped us join the dots.
It is utterly disgraceful that one of the greatest freedom fighters and his family members were snooped upon by their own government, as if they are wanted criminals. This also explains that all these decades, we have been taught only what the Gandhis and Nehru wanted us to learn – the shamefully fabricated version of History.
So, first and the foremost, we should revamp our school and college History text books ASAP! Injustice has been done the likes of Netaji, Bhagat Singh and other such revolutionaries. The least we could do now is to give them the rightful place they deserve in our History. It is never too late to repay their humongous debts over us.
Mamata’s act has also put pressure on the Central Government to declassify more files on Netaji. Let’s hope they do it soon.
And yes, we should also stop celebrating November 14 as Children’s Day. We don’t want our children to follow people with such mindsets.
Here is the summary of the declassified Netaji files: (Click to enlarge the image)
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